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Novel ecosystems: the new normal?

Novel ecosystems: the new normal?

As humans continue to radically alter the environment, new species assemblages are emerging – combinations of organisms that have never been observed before. What does this changing world mean for ecology?

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BES awards 2024 - meet the winners

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BES awards 2024 - meet the winners

Our annual awards and prizes recognise distinguished ecologists whose work has benefited the scientific community and society.

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BES synthesis grant funds research into forest restoration biases

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BES synthesis grant funds research into forest restoration biases

We chat to the first recipient of our new synthesis grant, Philip Martin, who is exploring biases in forest restoration with a team of ecologists and practitioners.

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Upcoming events

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BES Annual Meeting 2024

Registration is now open!

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Ecological Genetics Group Annual Meeting #EGG2024: Nature Has No Borders

Submit your abstracts and book now for #EGG2024

READ MORE about Ecological Genetics Group Annual Meeting #EGG2024: Nature Has No Borders