The Future of Ecological Research in the UK

Setting out a unified vision for the future of ecological research over the next 25 years.
The Future of Ecological Research in the UK

The Future of Ecological Research in the UK links

Upcoming events

MEE Live! Using the pannotator R package for rapid ecological data collection from 360-degree images

Publications | 


MEE Live! Using the pannotator R package for rapid ecological data collection from 360-degree images

Join this workshop to find out more about the new pannotator package, a customisable R 'shiny' app that allows immersive visualisation, mapping, and annotation of panospheric imagery.


Top stories

Funding  | 

British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda

Two landmark reports by the British Ecological Society reveal that ecological sciences are losing out on funding compared to other sciences.

READ MORE about British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda
British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda