The size and composition of sheld-geese populations and their food consumption on different vegetation types in the Falkland Islands.

Published online
19 Mar 1986
Content type
Journal article
Journal title
Journal of Applied Ecology

Summers, R. W.

Publication language
Falkland Islands & South Sandwich Islands


Densities of upland geese and ruddy-headed geese were determined for a variety of 'natural' pastures in the Falkland Islands. Herbage consumption by geese on different vegetation types was estimated from population density and daily food intake. Consumption by geese on different vegetation types was estimated from population density and daily food intake. Consumption was greatest on greens and reseeds, and amounted to 17% of the herbage production on Poa-greens and a maximum of 6% on a Holcus lanatus reseed. The geese populations took only about 2% of the total annual herbage production of North Arm farm, whilst sheep and cattle ate about 20%. It is concluded that the geese populations do not present a serious economic threat to the sheep industry.

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