North Thames Estuary & Marshes Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Survey Report 2022.

Published online
26 May 2024
Published by
Natural England
Content type

Abrehart, T.

Publication language
North America


This study aimed to update the records and status of macroinvertebrates at eight main compartments of the survey area: from Tilbury Fort to north of Mucking Marshes. Additionally, the survey was used to evaluate the conservation value of each compartment and the overall condition of the site. Samples were taken from the eight compartments in May, July and August/September 2022. The eight survey compartments were Mucking Wetlands, Mucking Landfill (Enovert), East Tilbury Quarry (Walsh), Fields East of Coalhouse Battery, Coalhouse Fort and surrounds, 'LTC4, i8 and Bowaters', Ashfields (including i3), and Tilbury Fort and Marshes.

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