Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ Phase I and II Baseline Survey of Intertidal Rock, Underboulder Communities and Peat and Clay Exposures.

Published online
05 Aug 2024
Published by
Natural England
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O'Dell, J. & Dewey, S. & MacMillan, A.
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The Yarmouth to Cowes Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ), designated in May 2019, is located along the northwest coast of the Isle of Wight. To support a Conservation Advice Package for the MCZ, Natural England commissioned Seastar Survey Ltd. to conduct a Phase I and Phase II baseline survey of three intertidal features: intertidal rock habitats, intertidal underboulder communities, and peat and clay exposures. The primary goal was to map the extent and distribution of these features and provide semi-quantitative data on species composition within representative and notable biotopes. The survey, carried out over a single spring tide in September/October 2022, successfully completed 15 Phase I transects and 13 Phase II quadrat surveys. Key findings included the identification and mapping of various biotopes, with intertidal bedrock habitats noted at six transects, and the underboulder communities biotope LR.MLR.BF.Fser.Bo observed at two transects. Additional underboulder communities were found in habitats dominated by cobbles. Clay exposures were recorded at 11 transects, predominantly west of Newtown Harbour, with these exposures present as clay banks or underlying soft sediments. This survey provides critical data to inform conservation efforts within the Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ.

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