NatureScot Research Report 1359 - Natural capital assessments of urban nature-based solutions in Scotland.
This report explores the application of Natural Capital Assessments (NCA) tools in urban nature-based solutions (NbS) projects in Scotland, aiming to deliver a range of Ecosystem Services (ES). The study assessed three urban projects in Dundee, Aberdeen, and East Renfrewshire, applying different NCA tools like the Biodiversity Metric 3.1, EBN, and NATURE to evaluate changes in ES such as carbon storage, recreation, and flood regulation. The findings suggest that these tools are generally applicable in Scotland, though they have limitations, such as difficulties in capturing cultural ecosystem services and sensitivity to topographic changes. The report emphasizes that NCA tools should support decision-making rather than provide definitive answers and highlights the need for a standardized methodology, further collaboration, and refinement of these tools for better integration into urban planning and investment decisions.