Donate today to make double the difference

This campaign has now closed.

From 18 – 25 April, your donation will be DOUBLED in our mission to break down barriers for aspiring ecologists.


This year, we’ve been selected to be part of Big Give‘s Green Match Fund, meaning that during 18 – 25 April all of your donations towards breaking down barriers for aspiring ecologists will be doubled.

The problem

The environment sector is the second-least diverse in the UK, making it particularly challenging for people from low-income backgrounds or under-represented groups to start a career in this field. We need the next generation of ecologists to provide solutions to the unprecedented environmental challenges we are facing and it is critical that these are founded in diverse perspectives.

The Solution

Here at the BES, we work actively to lower the barriers faced by individuals from low opportunity backgrounds. We have successfully supported hundreds of developing ecologists to date with our education programmes. Through these programmes, we aim to build a community of ecologists who have had support in their career development, and in turn are able to support others who face or have faced similar barriers to create an accessible, inclusive, and diverse ecological sector.

If you’re able to help break down barriers for aspiring ecologists, please donate today.
