#BESAG2024: Aquatic Ecology Group Annual Meeting 2024

Get together with the freshwater and marine research community to hear the latest research, share skills, and build your network!

The annual Aquatic Ecology Group meeting is a friendly and inclusive forum for sharing the latest marine and freshwater research and networking in a small symposium setting. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and students are warmly welcomed.

This year, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosted by the University of Derby.

The first day of the meeting will be in-person only training workshops on a) the use of digital elevation models for marine habitat conservation (led by Chris Yesson, Institute of Zoology, London) and b) policy for ecologists (led by Rob Booth, British Ecological Society). The workshops are specifically aimed at ECRs.

The second day will be a hybrid conference with keynote presentations from world-leading researchers. We will also hear from the outstanding 2024 ECR award winner (sponsored by Global Change Biology), and there will be an opportunity for attendees to present lightning talks (the best of which will win a prize sponsored by Functional Ecology and Journal of Animal Ecology).

Book your ticket here

Registration deadline: 1st August 2024.

Abstract submission

If you’re an Early Career Researcher and would like to show your research at this meeting, you can submit an abstract for a lightning talk by emailing an abstract of up to 150 words and the title of your talk to aquatic@britishecologicalsociety.org. Each talk should be three minutes long, with an additional two minutes reserved for questions. Please state your career stage and the institution you are affiliated with in the message.

If you’re an Early Career Researcher you can also apply for our annual ECR award by emailing your nominations (1 side A4) and a summary CV (1 side A4) to aquatic@britishecologicalsociety.org. Why should you win the ECR prize this year?!

Our ECR prize includes a keynote talk at the conference (all expenses paid), and a chance to work with a Global Change Biology editor to publish a piece of your research.

We would also like to include some 15-min talks alongside the ECR lightning talks, which are open to all career stages. Let us know if you would like to present!

Meet our keynote speakers!

Professor Ralf Schäfer, Professor for Ecotoxicology Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen. “Biodiversity trends and the role of multiple stressors

Dr Lori Lawson Handley, Senior lecturer at the University of Hull. “Monitoring lake-fish communities with environmental DNA: from Windermere to 100 lakes

Dr Kristien Brans, Assistant Professor at KU Leuven. “Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city: urban evolution of prey dampens the effect of urban evolution of the predator

…and a final keynote speaker will be confirmed shortly. We look forward to seeing you there!

Accommodation for #BESAG2024

The University of Derby currently has a 15% discount code set up at Leonardo Hotel Derby. This hotel is located around a 10 minute walk from our venue, and can provide dinner, bed and breakfast rates. Visit www.leonardohotels.co.uk and enter the promotion code UNIDEC to get 15% off.

Event communication

Keep an eye on our X (ex-Twitter) account (@BES_AquaEco) and mailing list (details on how to join here) for news about #BESAG2024

Additional information

  • Lunches and tea/coffee breaks are included in the ticket price. Catering at the event will be vegan friendly. Let us know if you have any other special dietary requirements.
  • Please be aware that in requesting a refund you will be reimbursed the event ticket price, subject to our refund policy, but unfortunately you will not be reimbursed the Eventbrite fee.
  • If you are interested in becoming a BES member to purchase the BES member rate ticket, you can find out more information and join here. Membership starts from £25, or you can get 12 months free membership if you are an undergraduate, masters, or first year PhD student.
  • To view the British Ecological Society’s privacy policy please click here.
  • If you have any queries about the event, email us at aquatic@britishecologicalsociety.org