#BESMove2024 — Movement Ecology Annual Meeting

Our popular Movement Ecology Annual Meeting will move to the University of Southampton this year, under the title of ‘Swimming, Walking and Flying in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities in Movement and Navigation‘, organised by Ryan ReisingerDavid Sims, and Jorn Cherney.

Our popular Movement Ecology Annual Meeting will move to the University of Southampton this year, under the title of ‘Swimming, Walking and Flying in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities in Movement and Navigation‘, organised by Ryan ReisingerDavid Sims, and Jorn Cherney.

Our confirmed plenary speakers are:

Anna Sturrock (University of Essex, UK)

Emily Sheppard (Swansea University, UK)

Simon Benhamou (CEFE CNRS, France)

With a series of poster sessions, keynote plenaries and contributed talks (and social events!) we aim to bring together researchers, practicioners and students interested in quantifying and understanding and predicting the movements, space use and distribution of organisms and their interactions. As in previous years you can attend with or without a contributed talk or poster and the event aims to give an opportunity to discover the latest developments in the field, establish new contacts and discuss new ideas. Many exciting projects, papers, special features and successful grant applications were first started during our previous events, so do not miss this one!

If you like to submit a contribution, please send a max 250 words Abstract + Title to: movement@britishecologicalsociety.org

Specify also the type of contribution (poster or talk). Topics on any aspect broadly related to animal (and plants, and all organisms!) movements and biologging are encouraged. Please do specify your dietary restrictions or allergies (if any).

Deadline for poster or talk abstracts submission is 31 August 2024.

Deadline for Registration is 02 September 2024 (before noon UK time).

Registration is through this Eventbrite page. Registration includes coffee breaks (2) and lunch on each day, plus one evening social event.


Bookable until 28 August, accommodation is available for all participants in single, en-suite bedrooms, a 15 minute walk away from the venue, at the University of Southampton’s Glen Eyre halls (https://www.southampton.ac.uk/student-life/accommodation/halls/glen-eyre https://maps.app.goo.gl/oygUK5Yjp7bMcHaRA ). Accommodation can be booked for the night of the 10th, 11th, and/or 12th of September, and includes breakfast. The rate is £47.20 per person per night (which includes a 1.5% transaction fee) and it will be on first come first served basis. Accommodation in Southampton may not be easy to find – book sooner than later. Instructions and links for accommodation are here:. The booking link



Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom


Talks and morning/afternoon tea will be held in the University’s Murray Building (https://maps.app.goo.gl/uP7mFpyd6z6EkC8M8). Lunch will be in the University’s Hartley Suite (https://maps.app.goo.gl/7KvFL17Mhs7HcpRF8)

Getting to Southampton


Regular buses run between Southampton Central Station (rail), Southampton Airport (air) and the University’s Highfield campus: https://www.unilinkbus.co.uk/. Note also Southampton is will connected with London.