
Applications for workshops are now closed. We will be announcing the programme of workshops for #BES2024 soon.

Applications are now closed for facilitating a workshop at this years annual meeting and are being considered by the Events Committee. Once the committee have selected the programme of workshops, we will announce them here and across our newsletters and media channels.

What are Workshops?

One of the many fantastic reasons for coming along to the Annual Meeting is to be in the room with like-minded ecologists and to share experience and knowledge with your community. The workshops are a great way to create those moments and, as a result, must be planned as in-person sessions, with all presenters and facilitators as in-person delegates at the event.

We’re looking for workshops that involve audience participation or contribution and usually address at least one of the following workshop categories:

  • Education, training, skills and methods
  • Communication, engagement, and outreach
  • Policy, conservation, and practical applications
  • Crossing disciplinary boundaries (incl. social sciences, arts)

Proposals consisting of a series of talks or presentations without audience participation will not be considered. For proposals of this nature please see our call for thematic sessions.

Please note that the BES cannot cover registration and attendance expenses for workshop organisers or speakers unless they are eligible to apply for a conference grant. Organisers may seek external funding or sponsorship opportunities if additional funding is required.

Creating an inclusive environment for ecologists

We are committed to promoting an inclusive ecological community and all workshop submissions must consider equality and diversity. Each proposal should be developed with the BES equality and diversity statement in mind and this will be considered as a criterion when scoring applications.

The organisers and speakers should reflect the diversity of the ecological community. Please consider multiple dimensions of diversity. Consider reaching out beyond your own networks when selecting facilitators.

Consider the content of the session. Our Annual Meeting attracts academics, practitioners, and educators across all career stages and working across many disciplines, try to consider more than one audience when developing your workshop.