Past awards – Research Grants
Spring 2023
Small Research (20)
- Fountain of youth? Exploring the use of artificial reefs to encourage restored juvenile mussel survival
- Understanding primate distribution, behaviour and human interactions through focus-group interviews inside and outside protected areas in Guinea-Bissau.
- Synthesizing the mechanisms of stressor interactions in freshwater ecosystems using natural language processing and an interactive database.
- Multispectral plant metabolome indexes to assess grassland responses to multiple disturbances
- In the shadow of big cats: how intraguild interactions and anthropogenic pressures influence medium carnivores in East African savannahs.
- Inferring the evolutionary drivers of richness, assembly, and diversification patterns of woody plants in the Western Ghats, India
- GIANTS: Disentangling how dinosaurian megaherbivores ruled their ecosystems
- Determining the foraging tactics of the Saharan horned viper
- Impacts of triazole consumption on health, reproductive success and immunocompetence of passerine birds.
- Epigenetic and dietary diversity in Alaskan coastal wolves: Harnessing DNA methylation to help delineate conservation units in North American wolf populations
- An endangered scavenger as a health regulator for Andean páramo ecosystem
- Restoring functional ecosystems: the reassembly of seed dispersal networks over a time-since recovery chronosequence in the Chocó Rainforest of Northwest Ecuador
- Characterization of color variation and mesophotic Paramuricea clavata assemblages
- Applying a bioacoustic framework to monitor and improve the conservation of amphibians in
- Tobago, a Small Island Developing State with high amphibian endemism
- Seeds of (Global) Change: Impact of four global change drivers on seed and dispersal traits
Susceptibility of black bream to climate warming: Considerations of body size and populations - Fire-flooding Interactions in Parque Nacional Da Gorongosa, Mozambique
- Linking intraspecific trait variation to eco-evolutionary dynamics of Daphnia populations
- Wildfire impacts on freshwater ecosystems in Canada
- Time-dependent effects of plant-microbe interactions
Large Research (6)
- Historic population structure and foraging ecology of fin whales in the North Atlantic during the industrial revolution
- The social dynamics of archerfish in the wild
- Do cleaner fish help buffer against coral reef degradation?
- Community Structure and Activity Pattern of Bats Along a Gradient of Landscape Composition in Central Regions of Kenya
- Consequences of night-time climate warming on leaf respiration in tropical forests (TropResp).
- Sowing the spores of sustainability: Linking fungal community ecology and functional outcomes to promote sustainable crop production
Spring 2022
Small Research (11)
- A dead giveaway: Experimentally simulating the effect of apex scavenger presence on small carnivores and ecosystem function in a recovering African savanna
- Does faster metamorphosis lead to poorer microbiome? The case of amphibian populations under drought stress.
- Ecology and Conservation status of an endemic and highly threatened lizard (Lacertaspis lepesmei) in Mount Bamboutos, Cameroon.
- Ecosystem dynamics, animal movements, and the energetic footprint of marine consumers
- Exploring the effects of fire severity on ecosystem multifunctionality in fire-prone landscapes
- Genetic diversity as a driver of centre-periphery dynamics for a tropical plant, Thunbergia atacorensis
- Interactions at the edge: how soil microbes shape plant coexistence in tropical forest fragments
- Restoration with Optical Seed Assemblages (ROSA)
- Testing the purodiversity-biodiversity hypothesis in central Madagascar grasslands
- TimeCapsule – studying rapid evolution of selfing syndrome in plants using resurrection ecology
- Wild Soundscape Research 2022
Autumn 2021
Small Research (14)
- Ecological Survey of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates and Freshwater-dependent Odonatans in the Nigeria-Cameroon Border and Biodiversity Hotspots.
- Determining allocation to anti-herbivore silicon versus Epichloë-endophyte defences using an established native grass common garden – synergy or trade-off?
- Seasonal variation of the bobtail squid Sepiola atlantica bacterial ratio and in response to marine heatwaves.
- The importance of baselines in phase-shifts: comparison of historic and current macroalgal dynamics on the Great Barrier Reef.
- Topographic analysis as a tool for ecological and functional classification of shark scales.
- Dormant immunity – investigation of active immune expression and function during bumblebee queen diapause.
- Filter bridge and local factor’s role in shaping chironomid assemblages; a study in pristine tropical streams along a biogeographical transition.
- Population Dynamics of Feral Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) across Illinois.
- Heterocyst counts as an alternative, low-cost method for assessing biological nitrogen fixation by tropical lichens.
- Exploring the threat of the invasive Paper Mulberry on timber-producing forests in Ghana.
- Cataloguing and Digitising the University of Sheffield Herbarium.
- Feeding preferences and nutritional profile of shell-less clams (Teredinidae).
- Testing the plasticity of cave adaptations: Characterization of the web architecture of an exclusively epigean Meta spider.
- Spatial ecology of territorial species and its consequences for metapopulation dynamics.
Large Research (3)
- How do high temperatures influence prey consumption by an endangered African carnivore?
- Energy efficiency during early life: exploring the role of mitochondrial efficiency as an adaptation to a warming world in Brown trout.
- A trait-based approach to investigate the effects of roadside verges on pollinator biodiversity and on ecosystem function.
Spring 2021
Small Research (13)
- Statistical models for relative abundance in species-rich communities.
- Forest recovery over 47 years after bauxite mining.
- Species-specific soil modification by ectomycorrhizal fungi.
- Could climate-driven changes in breeding phenology explain the declines in abundance of fin whales (Balenoptera physalus) in the northwest Atlantic?
- Algae Attacks! Method and consequences of Cladoceran brood chamber colonisation by a microplankton.
- MethaneTraits – Assessing plant functional traits as determinants of tree stem methane fluxes.
- Reconciling urban bat conservation and public accessibility: ‘bat-friendly’ lighting in UK parkland.
- Automated audio detection and monitoring of birds in Galápagos.
- Plasticity of dominant boreal conifers to warming temperatures and thawing permafrost.
- The role of hybridisation in the rapid range expansion of wall lizards in Switzerland.
- Effects of local and landscape-scale habitat attributes on the use of golf courses by bats.
- Improving our understanding of biodiversity trends by collecting data in multiple languages.
- More siliceous but less nutritious: is this a tactic for legumes to anticipate future attacks?
Large Research (3)
- Unravelling the extent and impacts of plant invasion in the last pristine landscapes of Europe: linking monitoring and conservation management.
- Physiological and cognitive responses of fishes and cephalopods to hypoxia.
- Escalating effects of multiple perturbations on soil biodiversity and function.
Autumn 2020
Small Research (13)
- Paleoecology translated for modern management: calibrating pollen-vegetation relationships for understanding woody vegetation change through time in African savannas.
- Signature Whistles for Occurrence, Recapture and Density – Developing the SWORD method for Namibian Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins.
- Distribution Pattern and Conservation Status of two poorly known and endemic lizards of Nigeria – Cynisca gansi and Cynisca kigomensis.
- Population structure and conservation of the endangered Great Green Macaw.
- Disentangling seasonal and reproductive status effects on trophic interactions of European Free-tailed bats.
- Diversity of migration in European Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla.
- Doomed to fail? Describing the extent of species reintroductions that have succumbed to negative climate change.
- The SPOT Project: Sponge-Plastic-Oil-Temperature.
- Social Effects on the Transmission and Acquisition of Gut Microbiota.
- Impact of demographic history and recent population dynamics on inbreeding in coastal bottlenose dolphins.
- Gecko Adaptation to Surface Textures in Mauritius.
- Role of local evolutionary history on tropical forest diversity and functioning.
- eDNA fragment lengths across different biomes.
Large Research (3)
- Drivers of Animal Life-History Decisions in a Changing World.
- Heat waves: is butterfly fertility affected? A transgenerational field trial in Pieris brassicae.
- Landscape effects on endosymbionts of the Cabbage stem flea beetle Psylliodes chrysocephala.
Spring 2020
Small Research (14)
- DNA based tools to understand diet and its role in community assembly for a group of endemic island beetles.
- Finding fungal friends for a fight: How do different mycorrhizal fungal communities alter plant defenses?
- A Toolkit for Ageing Wild Animals.
- Drivers of gut microbiome and parasite community assemblage in Chernobyl’s Przewalski horses.
- Solving the Last Great Bird Mystery.
- Flying with the seasons: a population genomic analysis of seasonal migration in Amazonian butterflies.
- Circulation of infectious agents in the world population of an endangered penguin and implications for conservation.
- Is mate choice in amphibians MHC dependent?
- Blowing in the wind: Dust dispersal and microbial meta-communities in a semi-arid landscape.
- Tundra vegetation response to recent climate warming.
- ISLANDER: Island Sustainability: the Legacy of Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbance on Ecological Resources.
- Does genome size limit plant growth rate under nutrient limitation?
- Testing invasive species management models: can you trust your model?
- Early-life physiology and range limits: investigating the mechanisms underlying adaptation to climate in the delicate skink.
Large Research (3)
- Global perspectives on termite functional biogeography.
- Measuring carbon stocks and fluxes across a successional gradient in Sundarbans – the world’s largest mangrove forest.
- Effects of multiple disturbances on plant community functional composition: A quantitative review.
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