Information for Innovation: Building better channels for knowledge exchange in environmental science

The British Library and the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network (ESKTN) are organising a free one day workshop on 28th September to explore how knowledge exchange can be improved in the environmental sector.

What is lost in translation between the researcher and the innovator? Is information access a barrier to innovation in environmental sciences? The workshop will look at the medium and the message, identifying barriers to the flow of information, and examining ways in which knowledge exchange is facilitated in different parts of the environmental sector. The workshop will develop case studies of good practice and identify ways to achieve a more joined-up landscape for environmental science information.

The organisers are particularly interested in looking at the role that information access plays in the knowledge exchange process, and are thus keen to work with audiences, such as SMEs, local authorities, and charities who are often at the ‘receiving end’ of knowledge transfer—and who often have considerably less traditional access to information than academics. The aim is to produce a report with case studies of good practice and recommendations for stakeholders and policymakers; the organisers have also been invited to present on these findings at the Living with Environmental Change (LWEC) conference in November.

Access further information and register for this event here.