Job and Study Opportunities

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If you would like to post a job or study opportunity, please email Fiona Le Ray (Careers and Inclusion Officer) with 100-150 words including the job title and workplace, brief summary of the role, deadline, and a link to where they can find more details on how to apply. Please note we only post paid job opportunities. 


PhD Position in Community Ecology – University of Bordeaux and University of Gent

Changes in biodiversity in European coastal sand dunes established in front of dune dykes.

DuneFront aims to demonstrate the importance of Dune-Dike Nature Based Solutions for the restoration of local and regional biodiversity. The PhD student will study the patterns of plant diversity, its functioning with respect to dune development and erosion control in the series of demonstrators along the coasts of 6 EU countries. Mainly vegetation ecology, but also patterns in arthropod and soil diversity.

3 years of funding (EU grant DuneFront), Co-tutelle thesis UBordeaux and UGhent.

  • Advisors : Richard Michalet (UBordeaux) and Dries Bonte (UGhent).
  • Requirements : Master degree in Ecology, experience in field experiments, trait-based approaches, plant or animal taxonomy and high level in English speaking and writing.

Beginning: Early March 2024, Early October the latest.

For more information and to apply: Contact,


PhD on Parental effects and transgenerational plasticity of fat metabolismUniversity of Liège, Belgium

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to work in the laboratory of Dr. Bertanne Visser (ULiège, Belgium) in collaboration with Dr. Cécile Le Lann and Prof. Joan van Baaren (URennes, France). Funding is available to pay a salary for 1 year, during which the candidate is expected to apply for grants to fund a 4-year PhD project.  

During the first year of the project, the candidate will be trained and involved in ongoing research efforts of the Visser laboratory, working on eco-evolutionary aspects of fat metabolism in parasitoids. In collaboration with Prof. van Baaren and Dr. Le Lann, working on the effects of climate change on host-parasitoid interactions, the candidate is expected to develop a project on parental effects and transgenerational plasticity in response to reliable and unreliable variation in host fat content and temperature.

Click here for more information and to apply


Environmental Modeller/Data Scientist – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

As part of the Research Alliance Ruhr, the Research Center One Health Ruhr at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) on the Essen Campus, Department of Ecotoxicology, is looking for a researcher.

At the interface between human health, the environment and animal health, the Research Center One Health Ruhr provides combines the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Environmental Science and Neuroscience under one interdisciplinary roof. You support the field of Environmental Science and thereby contribute to the development of the working group of Ecotoxicology.

Your tasks

  • You independently model and analyse data with an ecological or ecotoxicological focus
  • You plan research projects, obtain third-party funding and publish the results in international journal
  • You support the Ecotoxicology working group in the area of modeling, data analysis and management
  • You supervise bachelor, master and doctoral theses

Your profile

  • Above-average university master degree in environmental sciences, applied mathematics, applied computer science, ecology or a similar field. Phd degree desired
  • Previous scientific experience (e. g. knowledge in areas of ecotoxicological or ecological modeling, experience in data analysis, mastery of a programming language such as R or Python) required

Click here for more information and to apply


Postdoctoral Job in Farmland Sustainability Credits

Trinity College Dublin’s School of Natural Sciences and Trinity Business School are looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher for 2 years to investigate various financing mechanisms to fund the sustainable transition in Irish agriculture.

Farmland sustainability credits are one potential mechanism to deliver environmental goods at scale, with markets in sustainability credits operational in Australia and under development in the UK. This project will investigate the potential of farmland sustainability credits to deliver cost effective climate and biodiversity goods, design a financial instrument to package such sustainability goods and assess willingness to participate from farmers and willingness to pay from agri-food corporates. The necessary regulation required for efficient market functioning and the avoidance of market failure will be assessed and recommendations made to potential public regulators.

Applications are considered on a rolling basis until the post is filled.

Please contact Cian White if you would like more information at


Biodiversity is in crisis. In response, RBG Kew’s scientific mission as a world-leading biodiversity institute is to stop biodiversity loss and develop nature-based solutions to societal challenges. It is clear that the future protection and restoration of biodiversity and the natural capital that it provides will be extensively supported and driven by markets and private sector investment. In response, Kew seeks to establish a research group within the Ecosystem Stewardship priority that will focus on the needs of developing nature and carbon markets lead by a Senior Research Leader. This is an exciting opportunity to play a key role in enabling Kew to use its biodiversity science expertise, collections and data to deliver maximum impact in the field. The role holder will help to recruit, then lead and manage their team that will develop science-led methods and approaches that will enable effective, evidence-led market operation.

Salary: £56,445 – £63,196 per annum, depending on skills and experience

Deadline to apply: 23 June 2024

Click here for more information and to apply


Post-doctoral position in Ecology: Statistical analyses to better understand the relationships between forest management
and soil biodiversity – CEN Occitanie, France

We are looking for a researcher (PhD in ecology) to carry on the final statistical analyses of the InSylBioS database based on the hypotheses of the project aiming at better understanding and INtegrating into sylvicultural practices, functions of Soil Biodiversity for the Forests in the South of the Massif central Region. This dataset is composed of forest site conditions data (including soil data), dendrometric data, flora and fauna (macrofauna and nematodes) data identified following morphological criteria and ADNe data (fauna and fungi). We have funding for 12 months, starting between February and April 2025, at Nogent sur Vernisson (France). Reply before 25 August 2024.

Deadline: 25 August 2024

Click here for more information