Teacher’s network

The BES is setting up a new teacher’s network for teachers interested in engaging with ecology at their schools.

Following the success of the Connecting Schools to Nature project and other past BES projects, in 2023 the BES will be setting up a new teacher’s network. The aim of the network will be to help support teachers who wish to engage with ecology in their schools, and to provide a space for like-minded teachers to come together and share ideas.

The teacher’s network will be open to primary, secondary and sixth form / college teachers. We will be running a scoping project to gather ideas and insights from teachers on what they would like to see from the network. Ideas could include a regular newsletter, training events, or networking opportunities. For now, we have set up a mailing list for teachers to hear about upcoming opportunities and news.

We will likely be sending out our first newsletter in September. You can sign up to the mailing list below, and get in touch if you have any questions: helenb@britishecologicalsociety.org.