News and Opinion

Access to nature: what to do when both sides are right?

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Access to nature: what to do when both sides are right?

How do we balance people's access to nature with the protection of biodiversity? We asked farmers, landowners, ecologists and the general public.

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Freshwater? Reviving England’s polluted rivers

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Freshwater? Reviving England’s polluted rivers

A new report published by the BES asks what are the critical actions government should prioritize for freshwater before 2030?

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Office for Environmental Protection seeking help from ecologists

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Office for Environmental Protection seeking help from ecologists

England’s Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) is seeking evidence on nature recovery and volunteers to join its new College of Experts.

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Cambridge wildflower meadow boosts biodiversity, says new study

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Cambridge wildflower meadow boosts biodiversity, says new study

Examining the effects of planting a wildflower meadow in the historic grounds of King’s College, Cambridge

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Hen harrier row could help in other conservation conflicts

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Hen harrier row could help in other conservation conflicts

The long-running row over Britain’s hen harriers could offer lessons for other conservation conflicts.

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Farmland bird populations bounce back when farms devote 10% of their land to nature-friendly measures

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Farmland bird populations bounce back when farms devote 10% of their land to nature-friendly measures

RSBP researchers monitored the responses of farmland bird populations to different agri-environment scheme implementation levels.

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Green transformation day held at Durham primary school

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Green transformation day held at Durham primary school

The British Ecological Society (BES) held a ‘green transformation’ day at Laurel Avenue Primary School in Durham.

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Opening school doors to nature in North East England

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Opening school doors to nature in North East England

The British Ecological Society has been delivering a green transformation to primary schools in North East England, improving over 10,000 school children's connection to nature.

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Agri-environment measures boost wildlife populations in long-term farm study

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Agri-environment measures boost wildlife populations in long-term farm study

Agri-environment schemes can significantly increase local bird and butterfly populations without damaging food production.

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Losing the cover of darkness

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Losing the cover of darkness

Study shows advances in street lighting are reducing the efficacy of coastal species’ camouflage.

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Protecting our most threatened and vulnerable: What does the future hold for the Wildlife and Countryside Act?

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Protecting our most threatened and vulnerable: What does the future hold for the Wildlife and Countryside Act?

Changes to the Act have raised concerns that some threatened British species may lose important protection.

READ MORE about Protecting our most threatened and vulnerable: What does the future hold for the Wildlife and Countryside Act?
Research demonstrates value ‘injurious weeds’ can bring to both pollinators and biodiversity

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Research demonstrates value ‘injurious weeds’ can bring to both pollinators and biodiversity

A new study demonstrates that weeds are far more valuable in supporting biodiversity than we give them credit for.

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Study explores how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change

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Study explores how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change

Livestock browsing behaviour is a major determinant of the expansion of UK temperate rainforests.

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Urban gardens are a dependable food source for pollinators through the year, study suggests

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Urban gardens are a dependable food source for pollinators through the year, study suggests

Gardens in cities provide a long and continuous supply of energy-rich nectar from March to October.

READ MORE about Urban gardens are a dependable food source for pollinators through the year, study suggests
Honeybees’ waggle dance reveals bees in rural areas travel further for food

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Honeybees’ waggle dance reveals bees in rural areas travel further for food

By decoding honeybees’ waggle dances, researchers have found that bees in agricultural areas travel further for food than those in urban areas.

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