News and Opinion

Tackling climate anxiety through pedagogical research

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Tackling climate anxiety through pedagogical research

We ask Neil McDonald what pedagogical research entails and how he is using it to help alleviate climate anxiety.

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British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda

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British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda

Two landmark reports by the British Ecological Society reveal that ecological sciences are losing out on funding compared to other sciences.

READ MORE about British Ecological Society calls for greater funding for ecological research and sets out research agenda
BES Ecology  grants now open for 2023 applications

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BES Ecology grants now open for 2023 applications

We’re delighted to announce that we are accepting applications for the first round of the 2023 grants cycle.

READ MORE about BES Ecology grants now open for 2023 applications
New BES grants programme announced for 2024

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New BES grants programme announced for 2024

A distinctive new grants programme will furthers careers and support the whole ecological community

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New research shows that current national red squirrel conservation strategies likely to undermine species survival in future

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New research shows that current national red squirrel conservation strategies likely to undermine species survival in future

Red squirrel conservation strategies in the UK and Ireland, that favour non-native conifer plantations, are likely to negatively impact red squirrels.

READ MORE about New research shows that current national red squirrel conservation strategies likely to undermine species survival in future
New model predicts Painted Lady butterfly migrations based on breeding sites data

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New model predicts Painted Lady butterfly migrations based on breeding sites data

Researchers from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) have developed a model that allows predicting the migratory movements of the Painted Lady butterfly between Europe and Africa based on data from breeding sites.

READ MORE about New model predicts Painted Lady butterfly migrations based on breeding sites data
Sequencing pollen DNA to discover insect migratory routes

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Sequencing pollen DNA to discover insect migratory routes

This British Ecological Society funded study shows that transcontinental pollination mediated by migrating insects is possible.

READ MORE about Sequencing pollen DNA to discover insect migratory routes
Painted lady's roundtrip migratory flight is longest recorded in butterflies

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Painted lady's roundtrip migratory flight is longest recorded in butterflies

A British Ecological Society funded study found that this butterfly species travels an annual distance of 12,000 km across the Sahara Desert.

READ MORE about Painted lady's roundtrip migratory flight is longest recorded in butterflies
What are our grant awardees publishing in our journals?

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What are our grant awardees publishing in our journals?

Each year we give out around 50 grants across 5 funding streams and it is rewarding to see these grants acknowledged in one of our journals.

READ MORE about What are our grant awardees publishing in our journals?
Citizen scientists help capture wild mammals on camera

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Citizen scientists help capture wild mammals on camera

At the ‘Ecology Across Borders’ conference in Ghent, Belgium this week, researchers will share their experience of working with members of the public to create a network of motion-sensing camera traps for wildlife monitoring.

READ MORE about Citizen scientists help capture wild mammals on camera
First funding round of 2017 now open.

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First funding round of 2017 now open.

Each year we award over £300,000 per annum globally through our various grant schemes.

READ MORE about First funding round of 2017 now open.
Book your place on our first mid-career grant writing retreat

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Book your place on our first mid-career grant writing retreat

Would you like support writing large grant applications? This retreat brings together people of the same career stage with successful grant winners.

READ MORE about Book your place on our first mid-career grant writing retreat
Peer Review Week: Thanking our Review College

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Peer Review Week: Thanking our Review College

This week it’s Peer Review Week, which provides us with a great opportunity to thank our Review College members.

READ MORE about Peer Review Week: Thanking our Review College
Policy engagement support for mid-career ecologists: share your views

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Policy engagement support for mid-career ecologists: share your views

Help shape our new policy award program

READ MORE about Policy engagement support for mid-career ecologists: share your views

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How to write a grant application

Writing successful grant applications: power in numbers

READ MORE about How to write a grant application