News and Opinion

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New England Biodiversity Strategy - What do you think?

READ MORE about New England Biodiversity Strategy - What do you think?

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CaSE calls for a Science Minister in Scotland

READ MORE about CaSE calls for a Science Minister in Scotland

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Sowing the Seed for Improved Habitat Restoration

READ MORE about Sowing the Seed for Improved Habitat Restoration

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The Future of Biosecurity - Seminar

READ MORE about The Future of Biosecurity - Seminar

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Implementation of IPBES

READ MORE about Implementation of IPBES

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Scotland launches marine survey

READ MORE about Scotland launches marine survey

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Rebuilding Biodiversity - IEEM Annual Conference

READ MORE about Rebuilding Biodiversity - IEEM Annual Conference

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How much of the world should we protect for nature?

READ MORE about How much of the world should we protect for nature?

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IEEM publish report on ecological skills gap

READ MORE about IEEM publish report on ecological skills gap

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New report finds research integrity unsatisfactory

READ MORE about New report finds research integrity unsatisfactory

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Urban areas could be key to boosting pollinator numbers

READ MORE about Urban areas could be key to boosting pollinator numbers

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Director: Wildlife and Countryside Link

READ MORE about Director: Wildlife and Countryside Link

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Do Farmland Corridors Help or Hinder Pollinators?

READ MORE about Do Farmland Corridors Help or Hinder Pollinators?

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Health and Security Risks of Climate Change

READ MORE about Health and Security Risks of Climate Change