News and Opinion

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Wild bird populations: farmland birds in England 2009

READ MORE about Wild bird populations: farmland birds in England 2009

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Guardian Urging Specific Actions to Tackle Biodiversity Loss

READ MORE about Guardian Urging Specific Actions to Tackle Biodiversity Loss

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Society of Biology Biodiversity Photography Competition

READ MORE about Society of Biology Biodiversity Photography Competition

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NERC/DEFRA Policy placement secondment opportunity

READ MORE about NERC/DEFRA Policy placement secondment opportunity

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Local Authorities given go ahead to generate renewable energy

READ MORE about Local Authorities given go ahead to generate renewable energy

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Explore the future with DECC's carbon calculator

READ MORE about Explore the future with DECC's carbon calculator

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EFRA Committee to Quiz Caroline Spelman

READ MORE about EFRA Committee to Quiz Caroline Spelman

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'Charting progress': Are the British Seas improving?

READ MORE about 'Charting progress': Are the British Seas improving?

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UK, France and Germany target EU emissions targets

READ MORE about UK, France and Germany target EU emissions targets

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Safeguarding Biodiversity is Good for Business

READ MORE about Safeguarding Biodiversity is Good for Business

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REF to be delayed by one year

READ MORE about REF to be delayed by one year