News and Opinion

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A Green Party voice in Westminster

READ MORE about A Green Party voice in Westminster

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Case needs to be made for science now

READ MORE about Case needs to be made for science now

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New energy and environment ministers announced

READ MORE about New energy and environment ministers announced

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Search begins for the best landscape project in the UK

READ MORE about Search begins for the best landscape project in the UK

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New study on Payments for Ecosystem Services

READ MORE about New study on Payments for Ecosystem Services

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Natural Capital Initative Recruiting Policy Interns

READ MORE about Natural Capital Initative Recruiting Policy Interns

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Influencing Policy-Making in Europe

READ MORE about Influencing Policy-Making in Europe

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Political Parties Launch 'Green' Manifestos

READ MORE about Political Parties Launch 'Green' Manifestos

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Party policies on science and engineering

READ MORE about Party policies on science and engineering

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The Conservative Party's plans for Science Policy

READ MORE about The Conservative Party's plans for Science Policy