News and Opinion

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Questions Over Future of Fast Food Fish

READ MORE about Questions Over Future of Fast Food Fish

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Climate Change Bill Receives Royal Assent

READ MORE about Climate Change Bill Receives Royal Assent

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BBC Launches New Environment Blog

READ MORE about BBC Launches New Environment Blog

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Larger Fish Produce Hardier Offspring

READ MORE about Larger Fish Produce Hardier Offspring

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Building a Sustainable Future through "Creating a Climate for Change"

READ MORE about Building a Sustainable Future through "Creating a Climate for Change"

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Bluefin Tuna Under Threat from Short-Sighted EU Policy

READ MORE about Bluefin Tuna Under Threat from Short-Sighted EU Policy

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Policy Shift Could Significantly Reduce UK Emissions

READ MORE about Policy Shift Could Significantly Reduce UK Emissions

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Better Habitat Networks in Europe Will Benefit People and Wildlife

READ MORE about Better Habitat Networks in Europe Will Benefit People and Wildlife

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NERC Peer Review College Advertising

READ MORE about NERC Peer Review College Advertising

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BES Collaboration Praised in the House of Lords

READ MORE about BES Collaboration Praised in the House of Lords

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House Sparrows Continue Precipitous Decline

READ MORE about House Sparrows Continue Precipitous Decline

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Hilary Benn Launches Countryside Survey: Initial Results

READ MORE about Hilary Benn Launches Countryside Survey: Initial Results

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Countryside Survey 2007: Results Available

READ MORE about Countryside Survey 2007: Results Available

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Busy Bees Get Workshy When Times are Good

READ MORE about Busy Bees Get Workshy When Times are Good

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Ecology and Policy Blog Named in Top 50 Green Technology Blogs

READ MORE about Ecology and Policy Blog Named in Top 50 Green Technology Blogs