News and Opinion

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New Grants to Safeguard Species and Habitats in England

READ MORE about New Grants to Safeguard Species and Habitats in England

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Modelling the Health Impacts of Climate Change

READ MORE about Modelling the Health Impacts of Climate Change

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Wildlife Diseases: POST Seminar - Tuesday 3 June

READ MORE about Wildlife Diseases: POST Seminar - Tuesday 3 June

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Natural England Publishes First Annual Report

READ MORE about Natural England Publishes First Annual Report

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Biodiversity in Drastic Decline

READ MORE about Biodiversity in Drastic Decline

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Greater Scientific Evidence Required by Policy Makers

READ MORE about Greater Scientific Evidence Required by Policy Makers

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Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach Record High

READ MORE about Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach Record High

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Politics vs. Ecology: The Spotted Owl as a Case Study

READ MORE about Politics vs. Ecology: The Spotted Owl as a Case Study

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New Inquiry into Halting the UK's Biodiversity Loss

READ MORE about New Inquiry into Halting the UK's Biodiversity Loss

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EU Biofuel Policy: Environmental Implications

READ MORE about EU Biofuel Policy: Environmental Implications