News and Opinion

Snow Leopard researchers call for ethical standards for wildlife camera trapping

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Snow Leopard researchers call for ethical standards for wildlife camera trapping

New research explores the ethical and legal responsibilities of capturing humans on wildlife camera traps.

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Stirling research evaluates effectiveness of conservation efforts

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Stirling research evaluates effectiveness of conservation efforts

New research from the University of Stirling into the effectiveness of international conservation projects could help to save endangered species from extinction.

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Saving your data together helps bird research

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Saving your data together helps bird research

Researchers publish the first scientific paper from the SPI-Birds network, a large‐scale initiative connecting data on wild populations of birds.

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New knowledge on how climate affects pendulous lichens in northern forests

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New knowledge on how climate affects pendulous lichens in northern forests

Research from Umeå University explains how traits in pale lichens allow them to thrive in wet climates.

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Better health – for people and the planet – grows on trees

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Better health – for people and the planet – grows on trees

Tropical fruit trees can improve health, reduce hunger, boost incomes and fight climate change. So why don’t we grow and eat more?

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Mountain gorillas are good neighbours – up to a point

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Mountain gorillas are good neighbours – up to a point

Mountain gorilla groups are friendly to familiar neighbours – provided they stay out of "core" parts of their territory – new research shows.

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Most migratory birds rely on a greening world

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Most migratory birds rely on a greening world

A first of its kind study finds that many North American migratory birds synchronize their migratory movements with seasonal changes in vegetation greenness.

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Bumblebee queens migrate for hundreds of kilometres

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Bumblebee queens migrate for hundreds of kilometres

New research shows that bumblebee queens don’t always remain in the same place, but cover distances up to hundreds of kilometres.

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Vanilla cultivation under trees promotes pest regulation

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Vanilla cultivation under trees promotes pest regulation

Researchers have used dummy prey to investigate the activity of natural pest predators in Madagascan vanilla plantations, finding this pest control to be advantageous for agricultural cultivation.

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A new lens on an old problem: changing data resolution provides new insights for alien species management

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A new lens on an old problem: changing data resolution provides new insights for alien species management

In a new study, researchers from SANParks and the Centre for Invasion Biology demonstrate how changing the resolution of data used in alien species management can revolutionize how we manage them.

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Early-arriving endangered Chinook salmon take the brunt of sea lion predation on the Columbia

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Early-arriving endangered Chinook salmon take the brunt of sea lion predation on the Columbia

A University of Washington and NOAA Fisheries study has found that recovering sea lion populations have the largest negative effect on early-arriving endangered Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River.

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Life in extreme environments

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Life in extreme environments

A new book in our Ecological Reviews series explores extreme environments and their extraordinary inhabitants.

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Australian carp virus plan 'dead in the water'

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Australian carp virus plan 'dead in the water'

Plans to release a virus to reduce numbers of invasive Common Carp in Australia are unlikely to work and should be dropped, researchers say.

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Crayfish ‘trapping’ fails to control invasive species

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Crayfish ‘trapping’ fails to control invasive species

Despite being championed by a host of celebrity chefs, crayfish ‘trapping’ is not helping to control invasive American signal crayfish, according to new research by UCL and King’s College London.

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Researchers predict refuges from the disease myrtle rust

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Researchers predict refuges from the disease myrtle rust

Geographical refuges could protect New Zealand’s iconic native myrtle plants from myrtle rust disease, according to research published in Journal of Applied Ecology.

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