News and Opinion

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Three sites proposed for Special Areas of Conservation status

READ MORE about Three sites proposed for Special Areas of Conservation status

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Rising CO2 will Increase River Levels

READ MORE about Rising CO2 will Increase River Levels

Policy  | 

New Biodiversity Action Plan list approved

READ MORE about New Biodiversity Action Plan list approved

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Biodiversity – Climate Interactions

READ MORE about Biodiversity – Climate Interactions

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Poverty and Ecosystems - Kenya Case Study

READ MORE about Poverty and Ecosystems - Kenya Case Study

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EC Report on the Seveso II Directive

READ MORE about EC Report on the Seveso II Directive

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Defra Consultation on Geological Storage of Radioactive Waste

READ MORE about Defra Consultation on Geological Storage of Radioactive Waste

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Public attitudes and behaviour towards the environment

READ MORE about Public attitudes and behaviour towards the environment

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New Biodiversity Guidance for Local Authorities

READ MORE about New Biodiversity Guidance for Local Authorities

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Committee report on Draft Climate Change Bill

READ MORE about Committee report on Draft Climate Change Bill

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EAC Report on the draft Climate Change Bill

READ MORE about EAC Report on the draft Climate Change Bill

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Consultation on EU Soil Framework Directive

READ MORE about Consultation on EU Soil Framework Directive

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Weekly Parliamentary News Update

READ MORE about Weekly Parliamentary News Update

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EAC report on Carbon Offset Market

READ MORE about EAC report on Carbon Offset Market

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New Government Office for Science

READ MORE about New Government Office for Science