News and Opinion

Making a Difference in Conservation: Key Messages and Reflections from the BES/CCI Symposium

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Making a Difference in Conservation: Key Messages and Reflections from the BES/CCI Symposium

Read the BES Policy team's reflections from the joint BES CCI symposium April 2016

READ MORE about Making a Difference in Conservation: Key Messages and Reflections from the BES/CCI Symposium

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Making a difference in conservation: the BES/CCI symposium

Catch up with the key discussions and whet your appetite for more with our Storify

READ MORE about Making a difference in conservation: the BES/CCI symposium
Royal Society of Biology response to the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework

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Royal Society of Biology response to the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework

In January of this year, the UK Government launched a call for evidence for its review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

READ MORE about Royal Society of Biology response to the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework

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The Nagoya Protocol – a long time coming

The UK is now ratified o will become a Party to the Protocol 90 days after this on the 22 May

READ MORE about The Nagoya Protocol – a long time coming

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Getting to grips with citizen science

READ MORE about Getting to grips with citizen science

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Biodiversity offsetting: cast into the wilderness?

READ MORE about Biodiversity offsetting: cast into the wilderness?

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A Modernised Defra - Liz Truss announces the departmental plan

READ MORE about A Modernised Defra - Liz Truss announces the departmental plan

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Science policy 101, or what I learnt after a week at Westminster

READ MORE about Science policy 101, or what I learnt after a week at Westminster

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A view from inside Defra: lessons from the BES Shadowing Scheme

READ MORE about A view from inside Defra: lessons from the BES Shadowing Scheme

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Flooding in the UK: ecological impacts and an ecosystem approach

READ MORE about Flooding in the UK: ecological impacts and an ecosystem approach

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An Early Visit to Janus

READ MORE about An Early Visit to Janus