News and Opinion

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Royal Society report warns of extreme weather risk

READ MORE about Royal Society report warns of extreme weather risk

Policy  | 

Innovation, Risk and the Science-Policy Interface

READ MORE about Innovation, Risk and the Science-Policy Interface

Learning & Resources  | 

Audit of Practical Work: How Good is Undergraduate Training?

READ MORE about Audit of Practical Work: How Good is Undergraduate Training?

Policy  | 

Bees' Needs: Government launches National Pollinator Strategy

READ MORE about Bees' Needs: Government launches National Pollinator Strategy

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Call for political parties to ‘Act for Nature’

READ MORE about Call for political parties to ‘Act for Nature’

Learning & Resources  | 

Where's the evidence? A systematic approach

READ MORE about Where's the evidence? A systematic approach

Funding  | 

EU Climate targets: What’s the deal?

READ MORE about EU Climate targets: What’s the deal?

Policy  | 

The Infrastructure Bill: working for or against biodiversity?

READ MORE about The Infrastructure Bill: working for or against biodiversity?

Policy  | 

Making the UK “the best place to do science”

READ MORE about Making the UK “the best place to do science”

Policy  | 

Protecting Scotland's Biodiversity: Monitoring in Action

READ MORE about Protecting Scotland's Biodiversity: Monitoring in Action