News and Opinion

Landscapes full of maize harm bumblebee colonies

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Landscapes full of maize harm bumblebee colonies

Göttingen scientists analyse growth and foraging behaviour of insects.

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Predicting forest areas with potential of natural regeneration

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Predicting forest areas with potential of natural regeneration

Prioritizing natural regeneration of Brazilian forest areas.

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Scientists find fish body holds the key to make fishery management cheaper, easier

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Scientists find fish body holds the key to make fishery management cheaper, easier

Study analyzes fishery-monitoring methods to address challenges of managing small-scale fisheries.

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Defining and delivering resilient ecological networks in England

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Defining and delivering resilient ecological networks in England

What would a resilient network look like and how can it be assessed?

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Exploring the science behind the food we eat

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Exploring the science behind the food we eat

A science exhibit at the BBC Good Food Show in Birmingham.

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Raiding the rape field

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Raiding the rape field

Predatory beetles and spiders and help farmers control pests.

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Researchers: Fish and anglers should inform water management decisions

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Researchers: Fish and anglers should inform water management decisions

Anglers are as diverse as the fish within Nebraska’s largest lakes, and water management decisions made locally may have unintended consequences regionally and statewide.

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British Ecological Society launches new journal: People and Nature

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British Ecological Society launches new journal: People and Nature

An open access journal exploring the relationships between humans and nature.

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White shark researchers tap data from electronic tags to gain insights into survival rate for young sharks

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White shark researchers tap data from electronic tags to gain insights into survival rate for young sharks

Tagging in Southern California and Mexico shows most shark deaths due to unintentional capture in fishing gear.

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A new method to help recover ecological functions and foster the sustainable development of rural areas

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A new method to help recover ecological functions and foster the sustainable development of rural areas

Ecologists have developed a new method to prioritize natural sites for restoration actions aimed to improve the provision of ecosystem services.

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Degrading coral reefs bad news for commercial fishing

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Degrading coral reefs bad news for commercial fishing

The degradation of coral reef fisheries is bad for fisheries in the long term, a new study published in Journal of Applied Ecology reveals.

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Using drones to estimate crop damage by wild boar

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Using drones to estimate crop damage by wild boar

A new drone-based method allows estimating crop damage in a fast, standardised and objective manner.

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Natural Capital Committee sets ambitious goals for Environment Plan

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Natural Capital Committee sets ambitious goals for Environment Plan

The Natural Capital Committee has provided advice on the Government's 25 Year Environment Plan

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Parliamentary inquiry into forestry in England

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Parliamentary inquiry into forestry in England

Contribute to our response to the EFRA Committee forestry inquiry

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Policy  | 

REFIT of the Birds and Habitats Directives- Draft emerging findings.

READ MORE about REFIT of the Birds and Habitats Directives- Draft emerging findings.