News and Opinion

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2 New Species Per Week Discovered in New Guinea

READ MORE about 2 New Species Per Week Discovered in New Guinea

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Anticipating England’s Biodiversity Strategy

READ MORE about Anticipating England’s Biodiversity Strategy

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Is Biodiversity Falling off the Research Radar?

READ MORE about Is Biodiversity Falling off the Research Radar?

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Biodiversity: what can we afford to destroy?

READ MORE about Biodiversity: what can we afford to destroy?

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Ask an Expert - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

READ MORE about Ask an Expert - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

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The Natural Choice: Securing the Value of Nature

READ MORE about The Natural Choice: Securing the Value of Nature

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The UK National Ecosystem Assessment

READ MORE about The UK National Ecosystem Assessment

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Governments ‘Red Tape Challenge’ threatens green laws

READ MORE about Governments ‘Red Tape Challenge’ threatens green laws