News and Opinion

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Big success for BES 'Forests and Global Change' Symposium

READ MORE about Big success for BES 'Forests and Global Change' Symposium

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Biodiversity offsetting: making nature economically visible

READ MORE about Biodiversity offsetting: making nature economically visible

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Kew Gardens experts identify new mistletoe species

READ MORE about Kew Gardens experts identify new mistletoe species

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UN launches new global scientific body for Biodiversity

READ MORE about UN launches new global scientific body for Biodiversity

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Defra consultation on Biodiversity Offsetting in England

READ MORE about Defra consultation on Biodiversity Offsetting in England

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Talking Science: Biodiversity in the 21st Century

READ MORE about Talking Science: Biodiversity in the 21st Century

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BES responds to Defra's 'Invitation to shape the nature of England'

READ MORE about BES responds to Defra's 'Invitation to shape the nature of England'

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Businesses harness biodiversity to boost profits

READ MORE about Businesses harness biodiversity to boost profits

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Wild bird populations: farmland birds in England 2009

READ MORE about Wild bird populations: farmland birds in England 2009

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Guardian Urging Specific Actions to Tackle Biodiversity Loss

READ MORE about Guardian Urging Specific Actions to Tackle Biodiversity Loss

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Society of Biology Biodiversity Photography Competition

READ MORE about Society of Biology Biodiversity Photography Competition