News and Opinion

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Government set to sell off Britain’s forests

READ MORE about Government set to sell off Britain’s forests

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Lawton Review Published Today

READ MORE about Lawton Review Published Today

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Influencing Policy-Making in Europe

READ MORE about Influencing Policy-Making in Europe

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Principles of Scientific Advice to Government

READ MORE about Principles of Scientific Advice to Government

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England's Lost and Threatened Species

READ MORE about England's Lost and Threatened Species

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New Report Casts Doubt on Effectiveness of Badger Cull

READ MORE about New Report Casts Doubt on Effectiveness of Badger Cull

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Wales Announces Pilot Badger Cull Will Start This Year

READ MORE about Wales Announces Pilot Badger Cull Will Start This Year

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Evolution to join the National Curriculum

READ MORE about Evolution to join the National Curriculum

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The Environmental Side of the Queen’s Speech

READ MORE about The Environmental Side of the Queen’s Speech

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UK Marine Bill becomes law

READ MORE about UK Marine Bill becomes law

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BES hosts Parliamentary Reception on Biodiversity Post-2010

READ MORE about BES hosts Parliamentary Reception on Biodiversity Post-2010

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Hilary Benn sets out importance of valuing nature

READ MORE about Hilary Benn sets out importance of valuing nature

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GM Re-emerging onto the Political Agenda

READ MORE about GM Re-emerging onto the Political Agenda