News and Opinion

Degrading coral reefs bad news for commercial fishing

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Degrading coral reefs bad news for commercial fishing

The degradation of coral reef fisheries is bad for fisheries in the long term, a new study published in Journal of Applied Ecology reveals.

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Dolphin and bear studies have paved the way to improved population forecasting

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Dolphin and bear studies have paved the way to improved population forecasting

A new article challenges the validity of current methods for forecasting the persistence of slow-growing species for conservation purposes.

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Listening in: Acoustic monitoring devices detect illegal hunting and logging

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Listening in: Acoustic monitoring devices detect illegal hunting and logging

Newly developed acoustic loggers are able to record sounds of shotguns and chainsaws, shedding light on the frequency and patterns of illegal exploitation

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Physical contact may be good for your health, according to new research

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Physical contact may be good for your health, according to new research

Red-bellied lemurs maintain gut health through touching and ‘huddling’ each other, a new study published in Journal of Animal Ecology shows.

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Higher plant species richness may not be enough to protect ecosystems from the worst impacts of climate extremes

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Higher plant species richness may not be enough to protect ecosystems from the worst impacts of climate extremes

Higher plant species richness is not always sufficient to reduce ecosystem vulnerability to climate extremes.

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Study finds ways to avoid hidden dangers of accumulated stresses on seagrass

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Study finds ways to avoid hidden dangers of accumulated stresses on seagrass

A new study has found ways to detect hidden dangers of repeated stresses on seagrass using statistical modelling.

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It takes a microclimate to raise a pinyon tree

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It takes a microclimate to raise a pinyon tree

With all the discussion about global climate change effects, new research shows that another kind of climate is an important factor in regional pinyon pine tree recovery after drought events – the microclimate.

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Animation meets biology - Shedding new light on animal behaviour

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Animation meets biology - Shedding new light on animal behaviour

For the first time, digital animation has been used as a research tool to examine how the effectiveness of a lizard’s territorial display varies across ecological environments and conditions.

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Protecting 'high carbon' rainforest also protects threatened wildlife

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Protecting 'high carbon' rainforest also protects threatened wildlife

Conservation efforts focused on protecting forests using carbon-based policies also benefit mammal diversity, new research published in the Journal of Applied Ecology has found.

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Controlled fires don't eliminate invasive tree

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Controlled fires don't eliminate invasive tree

A recent study by a University of Florida researcher shows that controlled fire increases the proliferation of invasive tree species, which could cause millions of dollars in damage.

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New mapping tool tracks elk migration to reduce brucellosis risk

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New mapping tool tracks elk migration to reduce brucellosis risk

New research by University of Wyoming and U.S. Geological Survey scientists has created a mapping tool for reducing the risk of transmitting brucellosis from elk to cattle.

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Press Release: Humans - the disturbing neighbours of reef sharks

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Press Release: Humans - the disturbing neighbours of reef sharks

Shark diversity and abundance is highest in remote reefs, as far as 25 hours away from main cities, reveals a study published in Journal of Applied Ecology.

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Policy  | 

Press Release: A prioritised list of invasive alien species threatening the UK’s environment

More species urgently need to be considered for inclusion on the EU’s ‘List of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern’.

READ MORE about Press Release: A prioritised list of invasive alien species threatening the UK’s environment
Press Release: Fungal microbes as biofertilizers in agriculture and gardening

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Press Release: Fungal microbes as biofertilizers in agriculture and gardening

Companies are increasingly producing fungal inoculants and marketing these as biofertilizers to improve plant growth and soil health.

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Press Release: Fish have complex personalities, research shows

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Press Release: Fish have complex personalities, research shows

Scientists from the University of Exeter studied how Trinidadian guppies behaved in various situations.

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