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Press Release: New forecast tool helps ships avoid blue whale hotspots

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Press Release: New forecast tool helps ships avoid blue whale hotspots

A new paper published in Journal of Applied Ecology describes the development of WhaleWatch, a new tool to help ships avoid endangered whales.

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Press Release: Controversial black bear hunt disproportionately harvests nuisance bears and reduces human-bear conflicts

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Press Release: Controversial black bear hunt disproportionately harvests nuisance bears and reduces human-bear conflicts

New research published in Journal of Applied Ecology shows regulated hunting of a recovered black bear population helps to control population size.

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Press Release: Production of seedless fruits - an under-estimated tool for improving food security

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Press Release: Production of seedless fruits - an under-estimated tool for improving food security

New research from Journal of Applied Ecology shows how seedless fruit production can increase fruit quality and quantity, reducing the need for pollination.

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Press Release: Study shows fracking could threaten Britain’s richest wildlife habitats

Analysis published in Journal of Applied Ecology, shows many areas opened up for potential shale gas extraction are home to species crucial to ecosystem functioning.

READ MORE about Press Release: Study shows fracking could threaten Britain’s richest wildlife habitats
Press Release: Diversified management provides multiple benefits in boreal forests

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Press Release: Diversified management provides multiple benefits in boreal forests

New research shows there are strong conflicts between intensive timber harvesting and the provision of other benefits for the maintenance of biodiversity.

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Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field

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Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field

A new study, published in Journal of Applied Ecology, shows that the development of bee colonies placed in the field is affected by pesticide exposure.

READ MORE about Press Release: Impact of pesticide on bumblebees revealed by taking experiments into the field
Press Release: Forest elephants among the world’s slowest reproducing mammals, spelling trouble for populations threatened by poaching

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Press Release: Forest elephants among the world’s slowest reproducing mammals, spelling trouble for populations threatened by poaching

A new study published in Journal of Applied Ecology indicates that forest elephants will take almost a century to recover from poaching.

READ MORE about Press Release: Forest elephants among the world’s slowest reproducing mammals, spelling trouble for populations threatened by poaching
Press Release: Biodiversity begins at home: saving old villages helps save farmland birds

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Press Release: Biodiversity begins at home: saving old villages helps save farmland birds

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology shows preserving old villages and farm buildings could help save farmland birds.

READ MORE about Press Release: Biodiversity begins at home: saving old villages helps save farmland birds
Press Release: Hedges in agricultural areas protect biodiversity on Madagascar

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Press Release: Hedges in agricultural areas protect biodiversity on Madagascar

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology investigates ways to protect biodiversity in Madagascar.

READ MORE about Press Release: Hedges in agricultural areas protect biodiversity on Madagascar
Press Release: Stowaway frogs being stopped by border security

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Press Release: Stowaway frogs being stopped by border security

New model in Journal of Applied Ecology demonstrates the efficacy of biosecurity activities to reduce risk of wildlife disease introduction.

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Press Release: Hidden salmon diversity sustains First Nations fisheries

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Press Release: Hidden salmon diversity sustains First Nations fisheries

New research in Journal of Applied Ecology shows that salmon biodiversity supports food security of indigenous fisheries.

READ MORE about Press Release: Hidden salmon diversity sustains First Nations fisheries
Press Release: Be wary of knotweed advice on the web, researchers warn

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Press Release: Be wary of knotweed advice on the web, researchers warn

A new article in Journal of Applied Ecology studies the advice about Japanese knotweed available on the internet for gardeners.

READ MORE about Press Release: Be wary of knotweed advice on the web, researchers warn
Press Release: How countries deal with bears in Europe

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Press Release: How countries deal with bears in Europe

A new study in Journal of Applied Ecology looks at the factors affecting claims for brown bear damage in Europe.

READ MORE about Press Release: How countries deal with bears in Europe