News and Opinion

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Science is Vital

READ MORE about Science is Vital

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Lawton Review Published Today

READ MORE about Lawton Review Published Today

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Should Science Journalists Take Sides?

READ MORE about Should Science Journalists Take Sides?

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Urgent Action Needed to Tackle Non-Native Invasive Species in EU

READ MORE about Urgent Action Needed to Tackle Non-Native Invasive Species in EU

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LWEC Establishes Citizens Forum

READ MORE about LWEC Establishes Citizens Forum

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Landscapes of the Future and the Death of the Nimby

READ MORE about Landscapes of the Future and the Death of the Nimby

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BES Annual Meeting Hitting the Headlines

READ MORE about BES Annual Meeting Hitting the Headlines

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BES Annual Meeting Begins at the University of Leeds

READ MORE about BES Annual Meeting Begins at the University of Leeds

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Britain's Carbon Footprint Has Grown since 1990

READ MORE about Britain's Carbon Footprint Has Grown since 1990

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NERC-Defra Marine Renewable Energy Sandpit

READ MORE about NERC-Defra Marine Renewable Energy Sandpit

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BES Members: Complete Expertise Questionnaire Online

READ MORE about BES Members: Complete Expertise Questionnaire Online

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BES Policy Internship Now Open for Applications

READ MORE about BES Policy Internship Now Open for Applications

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Businesses harness biodiversity to boost profits

READ MORE about Businesses harness biodiversity to boost profits

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Policy Priorities for UK Nature Conservation Identified

READ MORE about Policy Priorities for UK Nature Conservation Identified