News and Opinion

BES2023 plenary speakers announced

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BES2023 plenary speakers announced

We are excited to announce the plenary speakers at the heart of the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2023. 

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Lockdowns revealed the British wildlife most at risk of becoming roadkill

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Lockdowns revealed the British wildlife most at risk of becoming roadkill

Researchers find that badgers, foxes and pheasants benefitted the most from reduced traffic traffic UK lockdowns.

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Feeding small birds helps them fight infections

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Feeding small birds helps them fight infections

Feeders may help birds fight infections, but are they also opening opportunities for infection?

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Light pollution threatens moths, according to new study

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Light pollution threatens moths, according to new study

How can light pollution affect a caterpillar's transition into an adult moth?

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Orca diets provide insight into climate change impacts on Arctic food webs

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Orca diets provide insight into climate change impacts on Arctic food webs

Researchers studied orca pods from Canada's coasts, all the way to those in northern Norway.

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Only a few bears responsible for beehive human-wildlife conflicts in Poland

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Only a few bears responsible for beehive human-wildlife conflicts in Poland

146 biological samples from brown bears were lab analysed in an attempt to solve a string of apiary damages.

READ MORE about Only a few bears responsible for beehive human-wildlife conflicts in Poland
How do sunflowers help bees withstand diseases?

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How do sunflowers help bees withstand diseases?

Sunflower pollen helps bumblebees to combat diseases, two new studies investigate the reasons why.

READ MORE about How do sunflowers help bees withstand diseases?
Intercropping - the future of agricultural pest control

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Intercropping - the future of agricultural pest control

Which method of intercropping is the most effective? A new study investigates

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International Transgender Day of Visibility: Embracing my fluid identity

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International Transgender Day of Visibility: Embracing my fluid identity

READ MORE about International Transgender Day of Visibility: Embracing my fluid identity
How to include ecosystem engineers in our conservation plans

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How to include ecosystem engineers in our conservation plans

UNIL scientists have created a guide for measuring the influence of 'ecosystem engineers' on ecosystems.

READ MORE about How to include ecosystem engineers in our conservation plans
Double-anonymous peer review reduces reviewer bias, finds three-year trial

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Double-anonymous peer review reduces reviewer bias, finds three-year trial

A trial of double-anonymous peer review addresses possible biases and seeks to improve equity in publishing.

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Biodiversity threats managed by cost effective new framework

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Biodiversity threats managed by cost effective new framework

How can we manage biodiversity threats in a more cost effective way? Australian scientists have the solution

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Making space for agriculture and rewilding in England

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Making space for agriculture and rewilding in England

Opportunities to adopt rewilding practices across England’s agricultural countryside.

READ MORE about Making space for agriculture and rewilding in England
Lynx reintroduction in Scotland evokes mixed opinions

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Lynx reintroduction in Scotland evokes mixed opinions

Opinions of lynx reintroduction in Scotland produce varied results - providing a foundation for future dialogue.

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Desert vegetation changing due to climate change

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Desert vegetation changing due to climate change

Even deserts are succumbing to the effects of climate change in new research from the University of California, Riverside

READ MORE about Desert vegetation changing due to climate change