News and Opinion

Frog pathogen has different impacts on species according to new study

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Frog pathogen has different impacts on species according to new study

A new meta-analytic study investigates the lethal pathogen causing biological disruption for frog species worldwide.

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New study explores the integration of wildlife and denser populations in urban planning

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New study explores the integration of wildlife and denser populations in urban planning

How we can make our cities work better for people and wildlife? TNC researchers challenge assumptions on the merit of green spaces in our communities.

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Farmland bird populations bounce back when farms devote 10% of their land to nature-friendly measures

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Farmland bird populations bounce back when farms devote 10% of their land to nature-friendly measures

RSBP researchers monitored the responses of farmland bird populations to different agri-environment scheme implementation levels.

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Paying farmers to create woodland and wetland is the most cost-effective way to hit UK environment targets, study suggests

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Paying farmers to create woodland and wetland is the most cost-effective way to hit UK environment targets, study suggests

Incentivising farmers to put aside farmland for nature could cut taxpayer costs in half, while delivering for climate, biodiversity, and food production targets.

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Green transformation day held at Durham primary school

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Green transformation day held at Durham primary school

The British Ecological Society (BES) held a ‘green transformation’ day at Laurel Avenue Primary School in Durham.

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Opening school doors to nature in North East England

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Opening school doors to nature in North East England

The British Ecological Society has been delivering a green transformation to primary schools in North East England, improving over 10,000 school children's connection to nature.

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Policy Debate on National Parks in Scotland

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Policy Debate on National Parks in Scotland

The British Ecological Society- Scottish Policy Group (BES-SPG ) co-hosted a ‘Pie and a Pint’ (PAAP) policy debate on National Parks with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), on October 6th 2022.

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Citizen scientists wanted to help record UK’s mammal activity

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Citizen scientists wanted to help record UK’s mammal activity

Citizen scientists are being urged to help chart UK mammal activity so researchers can better understand how animals are coping with ecological challenges such as climate change.

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The BES signs open letter to PM on environmental deregulation

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The BES signs open letter to PM on environmental deregulation

Today the BES has joined 78 Wildlife and Countryside Link organisations in an open letter to the Prime Minister urging her to change the Government's trajectory on environmental deregulation.

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Flower strips and hedges combine to boost bees in orchards

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Flower strips and hedges combine to boost bees in orchards

New research finds hedges and perennial flower strips are complementary in supporting wild bees in orchards

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Feeding wildlife drives artificial selection of harassment behaviour

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Feeding wildlife drives artificial selection of harassment behaviour

Feeding wild animals could drive artificial selection for harassment behaviour and poses a serious risk to human and wildlife well-being.

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Agri-environment measures boost wildlife populations in long-term farm study

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Agri-environment measures boost wildlife populations in long-term farm study

Agri-environment schemes can significantly increase local bird and butterfly populations without damaging food production.

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Agri-Environmental Strategy Could Boost Crop Productivity and Pollination

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Agri-Environmental Strategy Could Boost Crop Productivity and Pollination

Green infrastructure near agricultural land is essential for pollinator conservation and boosting crop productivity.

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Multiple habitats need protecting to save UK bumblebees, finds 10-year citizen science study

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Multiple habitats need protecting to save UK bumblebees, finds 10-year citizen science study

A study using 10 years of citizen science data has found that a variety of targeted conservation approaches are needed to protect UK bumblebee species.

READ MORE about Multiple habitats need protecting to save UK bumblebees, finds 10-year citizen science study
Protected areas can be the beating heart of nature recovery in the UK, but they must be more than lines on a map

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Protected areas can be the beating heart of nature recovery in the UK, but they must be more than lines on a map

A report by the British Ecological Society says that the UK government’s 30x30 commitment offers the opportunity to revitalise the contribution of protected areas to nature recovery.

READ MORE about Protected areas can be the beating heart of nature recovery in the UK, but they must be more than lines on a map