News and Opinion

Lianas more likely to infest smaller trees in Southeast Asian forests

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Lianas more likely to infest smaller trees in Southeast Asian forests

Lianas in Malaysian forests are more likely to infest smaller trees.

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Rhino horns are getting smaller, according to analysis of artwork and photographs

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Rhino horns are getting smaller, according to analysis of artwork and photographs

Analysis of artwork and photographs has revealed that rhino horns have been getting smaller and human attitudes towards rhinos have shifted from predation to conservation.

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Researchers quantify forage yield gap caused by woody encroachment

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Researchers quantify forage yield gap caused by woody encroachment

New research quantifies the economic impacts of lost herbaceous production from tree encroachment throughout the American west.

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Asian elephants prefer habitats on the boundaries of protected areas

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Asian elephants prefer habitats on the boundaries of protected areas

New research finds that elephants prefer habitats on the periphery of protected areas, rather than the areas themselves

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Animals in national parks can be impacted by just a few people

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Animals in national parks can be impacted by just a few people

A new People and Nature study has found that even in remote, rarely visited national parks, the presence of even just a few humans impacts the activity of wildlife that live there.

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Citizen scientists wanted to help record UK’s mammal activity

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Citizen scientists wanted to help record UK’s mammal activity

Citizen scientists are being urged to help chart UK mammal activity so researchers can better understand how animals are coping with ecological challenges such as climate change.

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Daytime pastoralist activities do not negatively affect spotted hyenas

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Daytime pastoralist activities do not negatively affect spotted hyenas

A study looking at the interactions of pastoralists and hyenas in Tanzania finds that the two can coexist, with no negative impacts to the hyenas

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A new window into plants of the past

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A new window into plants of the past

Researchers have developed a fast, nondestructive way of estimating how millions of dried plant specimens, from herbarium collections, interacted with their environment.

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Making field work more equitable

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Making field work more equitable

Researchers share how they crafted a guide that prioritizes safety for field researchers from marginalized groups.

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Flower strips and hedges combine to boost bees in orchards

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Flower strips and hedges combine to boost bees in orchards

New research finds hedges and perennial flower strips are complementary in supporting wild bees in orchards

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Predicting migration pathways of Mule Deer without GPS collars

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Predicting migration pathways of Mule Deer without GPS collars

Scientists have developed promising models to predict where mule deer are likely to migrate, without the need for collaring new animals.

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How silent environmentalists could help protect biodiversity

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How silent environmentalists could help protect biodiversity

New research identifying an important group of Australians with a surprisingly strong connection to nature could change political parties' approach environmental issues.

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Keeping to a beat is linked to reproductive success in male Rock Hyraxes

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Keeping to a beat is linked to reproductive success in male Rock Hyraxes

Male rock hyraxes' reproductive success is linked to their ability to maintain rhythm during courtship songs.

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Peatland restoration strategies: Flooding is not the ideal solution

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Peatland restoration strategies: Flooding is not the ideal solution

Researchers have outlined the benefits and suitabilities of different peatland restoration strategies as we look to transform agricultural land back into healthy peatlands.

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Scientists study tourists to protect great apes from disease transmission

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Scientists study tourists to protect great apes from disease transmission

Researchers are protecting great apes from diseases by studying the behaviour and expectations of tourists who visit them.

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