News and Opinion

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A greener future for England’s green belts

READ MORE about A greener future for England’s green belts

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Hilary Benn Calls for Biodiversity Pricing in Policy

READ MORE about Hilary Benn Calls for Biodiversity Pricing in Policy

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Talking About GM

READ MORE about Talking About GM

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Launch of the BES Sponsored POSTnote on Insect Pollination

READ MORE about Launch of the BES Sponsored POSTnote on Insect Pollination

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EFRA Select Committtee Criticises Defra Waste Policy

READ MORE about EFRA Select Committtee Criticises Defra Waste Policy

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Nick Clegg addresses the Royal Society

READ MORE about Nick Clegg addresses the Royal Society

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Wales Announces Pilot Badger Cull Will Start This Year

READ MORE about Wales Announces Pilot Badger Cull Will Start This Year

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Major Political Parties Outline Science Strategies

READ MORE about Major Political Parties Outline Science Strategies

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International Year of Biodiversity Launches Formally

READ MORE about International Year of Biodiversity Launches Formally

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Making Biofuels More Sustainable

READ MORE about Making Biofuels More Sustainable

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New Technologies Needed to Feed a Growing Population

READ MORE about New Technologies Needed to Feed a Growing Population

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Setting Food Policy to 2030

READ MORE about Setting Food Policy to 2030

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A 300 million year battle sets the scene for Christmas

READ MORE about A 300 million year battle sets the scene for Christmas