News and Opinion

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Eradicating bovine TB: could vaccinations be the answer?

READ MORE about Eradicating bovine TB: could vaccinations be the answer?

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Badgers: the debate continues

READ MORE about Badgers: the debate continues

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Badger cull: licences reissued by Natural England

READ MORE about Badger cull: licences reissued by Natural England

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Forest estate in England to remain in public ownership

READ MORE about Forest estate in England to remain in public ownership

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Is this 'Bird Armageddon'?

READ MORE about Is this 'Bird Armageddon'?

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Natural England Issues First Badger Cull License

READ MORE about Natural England Issues First Badger Cull License

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First occurrence of ‘ash dieback’ in Britain

READ MORE about First occurrence of ‘ash dieback’ in Britain

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Homecoming of the short-haired bumblebee after 24 years

READ MORE about Homecoming of the short-haired bumblebee after 24 years

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New Planning Guidance for England: Analysis by the IEEM

READ MORE about New Planning Guidance for England: Analysis by the IEEM

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Government to Publish National Planning Policy Framework

READ MORE about Government to Publish National Planning Policy Framework

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A paradigm shift? 12 months in ecology

READ MORE about A paradigm shift? 12 months in ecology

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ThinkBIG – New Report on Landscape Scale Conservation

READ MORE about ThinkBIG – New Report on Landscape Scale Conservation

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The Natural Choice: Securing the Value of Nature

READ MORE about The Natural Choice: Securing the Value of Nature