News and Opinion

Parliamentary inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability - contribute to our response

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Parliamentary inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability - contribute to our response

Contribute to the BES's response to the EAC inquiry into the UK's role in Arctic sustainability.

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We need to talk about Nitrogen

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We need to talk about Nitrogen

Nitrogen deposition is contributing factor to the decline in biodiversity. Plantlife's report explains why.

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Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship

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Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship

BES Fellow Daniella Rabaiotti shares the top ten lessons from her placement with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

READ MORE about Westminster, wildlife and waste crime: Lessons learnt during my BES POST Fellowship
Parliamentary inquiry on research integrity – contribute to our response

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Parliamentary inquiry on research integrity – contribute to our response

Help shape our response to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry

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Theresa May's speech on Brexit: clarity on some issues, uncertainty on others

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Theresa May's speech on Brexit: clarity on some issues, uncertainty on others

The Prime Minister's speech provided welcome clarity on some issues, while leaving others uncertain, particularly the environment

READ MORE about Theresa May's speech on Brexit: clarity on some issues, uncertainty on others
Living in interesting times: monitoring the policy tides at the BES Annual Meeting

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Living in interesting times: monitoring the policy tides at the BES Annual Meeting

Rob Brooker identifies some of the key policy related messages to come through at the 2016 BES Annual Meeting

READ MORE about Living in interesting times: monitoring the policy tides at the BES Annual Meeting
Environmental Audit Committee calls for a new Environmental Protection Act

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Environmental Audit Committee calls for a new Environmental Protection Act

New Environmental Audit Committee report cites BES written and oral evidence

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Join our Brexit Policy Working Group

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Join our Brexit Policy Working Group

Help shape our engagement with the challenges and opportunities of leaving the EU.

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Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Genomics and genome-editing

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Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Genomics and genome-editing

Contribute your views on the future of genomics and genome-editing include the impact on wildlife and ecosystems

READ MORE about Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Genomics and genome-editing
British Ecological Society joins meeting to discuss Brexit with Government Minister

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British Ecological Society joins meeting to discuss Brexit with Government Minister

The BES joined a number of organisations at the Zoological Society of London to discuss the challenges and opportunities of Brexit for the environmental sciences and conservation.

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A Policy Lunchbox discussion on “Brexit: what is happening inside Government?”

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A Policy Lunchbox discussion on “Brexit: what is happening inside Government?”

Oliver Ilott and Policy Lunchbox discuss Brexit and what is happening inside Government.

READ MORE about A Policy Lunchbox discussion on “Brexit: what is happening inside Government?”
The Scottish Policy Group discuss rewilding at the latest pie and a pint event

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The Scottish Policy Group discuss rewilding at the latest pie and a pint event

The Scottish Policy Group discuss the conservation concept of rewilding

READ MORE about The Scottish Policy Group discuss rewilding at the latest pie and a pint event
Key lessons from our Policy Training Workshop in Edinburgh

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Key lessons from our Policy Training Workshop in Edinburgh

Rick Parfett summarises the key take home messages from the BES Scottish Policy Group introduction to policy workshop

READ MORE about Key lessons from our Policy Training Workshop in Edinburgh
BES President Sue Hartley gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee

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BES President Sue Hartley gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee

BES President Sue Hartley gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee inquiry on innovative land management techniques and rewilding.

READ MORE about BES President Sue Hartley gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee
Inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education

Inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education

Submit your comments and evidence to the House of Commons Education Committee's inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education.

READ MORE about Inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education