News and Opinion

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Achieving no net loss of something or other

READ MORE about Achieving no net loss of something or other

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ESRC Launches the Nexus Network

READ MORE about ESRC Launches the Nexus Network

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Ecosystem services: changes in global value

READ MORE about Ecosystem services: changes in global value

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Nominations open for IPBES expert groups

READ MORE about Nominations open for IPBES expert groups

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Undiscovered - The rich biodiversity within UKOTs

READ MORE about Undiscovered - The rich biodiversity within UKOTs

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New Opportunity for a Development Officer at the BES

READ MORE about New Opportunity for a Development Officer at the BES

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Diversity in STEM – key issues and future directions

READ MORE about Diversity in STEM – key issues and future directions

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Government Horizon Scanning – Implementation Issues

READ MORE about Government Horizon Scanning – Implementation Issues

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How much is science worth to the UK?

READ MORE about How much is science worth to the UK?