News and Opinion

Elephants benefit from having older siblings, especially sisters

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Elephants benefit from having older siblings, especially sisters

A study of semi-captive Asian elephants has found that calves benefit from having older sisters more than older brothers.

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Leaving by staying: dispersal decisions of young giraffes

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Leaving by staying: dispersal decisions of young giraffes

Research finds that when male giraffes reach reproductive age and leave home, a significant proportion disperse by simply switching to a new social community, avoiding the risks of moving far from home.

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Researchers calculate the cost of restoring Australia’s degraded ecosystems

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Researchers calculate the cost of restoring Australia’s degraded ecosystems

Researchers propose a AU$41 billion nationwide plan for habitat restoration to prevent species loss.

READ MORE about Researchers calculate the cost of restoring Australia’s degraded ecosystems
Oil palm plantations reshape human hunting

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Oil palm plantations reshape human hunting

New research shows that oil palm plantations in Borneo are not only affecting ecological landscapes, but also social landscapes.

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Bee flight suffers under temperature extremes

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Bee flight suffers under temperature extremes

Rising temperatures could help some bees fly better, but more frequent extreme weather events could push them past their limits.

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Farmers help create ‘Virtual safe space’ to save bumblebees

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Farmers help create ‘Virtual safe space’ to save bumblebees

BEE-STEWARD is a decision-support tool which provides a computer simulation of bumblebee colony survival in a given landscape.

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For trees, carbs are key to surviving insect defoliation

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For trees, carbs are key to surviving insect defoliation

New research discovers the threshold of reserves necessary for oak trees to survive repeated caterpillar onslaughts.

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Mountain lions in greater Los Angeles moved less during the covid-19 stay-at-home order

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Mountain lions in greater Los Angeles moved less during the covid-19 stay-at-home order

Contrary to popular belief, a new study shows mountain lions used smaller areas and moved shorter distances when human activity was far below normal.

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Captive breeding programme essential for vultures’ survival

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Captive breeding programme essential for vultures’ survival

Supporting a declining population of the Egyptian vulture with captive-reared young birds every year could delay extinction.

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Restoring forest biodiversity in the Scottish Highlands

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Restoring forest biodiversity in the Scottish Highlands

New research looks into the recovery of wildlife following reforestation with native trees in the Scottish Highlands.

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Forestry contributed to forest warming during extreme summers in Northern Germany

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Forestry contributed to forest warming during extreme summers in Northern Germany

Forestry use has a significant influence on the cooling capacity of forests and their sensitivity to climate change.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 teaches players about wildlife

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Red Dead Redemption 2 teaches players about wildlife

Players of the popular game Red Dead Redemption 2 learn how to identify real American wildlife, new research shows.

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New method lets researchers rapidly monitor snow leopard stress levels in the wild

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New method lets researchers rapidly monitor snow leopard stress levels in the wild

A new method is the first to allow scientists to analyse snow leopard stress hormones in the field.

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Why are some fish warm-blooded? New study suggests it gives predatory sharks and fish a crucial speed advantage

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Why are some fish warm-blooded? New study suggests it gives predatory sharks and fish a crucial speed advantage

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin explore why some fish have warm blood, and what advantages this equips them with.

READ MORE about Why are some fish warm-blooded? New study suggests it gives predatory sharks and fish a crucial speed advantage
Raspberry Pi computers are helping revolutionize biological research

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Raspberry Pi computers are helping revolutionize biological research

A new paper shows how single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi are revolutionizing biological research and democratising science.

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