News and Opinion

Policy  | 

Invasive species policy: recommendations for Europe

READ MORE about Invasive species policy: recommendations for Europe

Policy  | 

Are we doing enough to meet the 2020 Aichi targets?

READ MORE about Are we doing enough to meet the 2020 Aichi targets?

Policy  | 

Tackling invasive species across Europe

READ MORE about Tackling invasive species across Europe

Policy  | 

Natural Environment White Paper: two years on

READ MORE about Natural Environment White Paper: two years on

Learning & Resources  | 

BES POST Fellowship: an update

READ MORE about BES POST Fellowship: an update

Policy  | 

Getting control of invasive plants in the UK

READ MORE about Getting control of invasive plants in the UK

Policy  | 

Biodiversity offsetting: what does the science say?

READ MORE about Biodiversity offsetting: what does the science say?

Policy  | 

Wales launches Action Plan for Pollinators

READ MORE about Wales launches Action Plan for Pollinators

Policy  | 

Overwhelming response to marine protection consultation

READ MORE about Overwhelming response to marine protection consultation

Policy  | 

Ecological Issues series is relaunched

READ MORE about Ecological Issues series is relaunched