News and Opinion

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Concern for Peatlands Leads to Rejection of Windfarm Proposal

READ MORE about Concern for Peatlands Leads to Rejection of Windfarm Proposal

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Stern Warns that Climate Change Worse Than Feared

READ MORE about Stern Warns that Climate Change Worse Than Feared

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Modelling Biodiversity in a Changing World

READ MORE about Modelling Biodiversity in a Changing World

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New Biofuels Rules Come Into Force

READ MORE about New Biofuels Rules Come Into Force

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A New Model for Investment in Ecosystem Services

READ MORE about A New Model for Investment in Ecosystem Services

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Pollutants in Cities Destroy Flowers' Scents

READ MORE about Pollutants in Cities Destroy Flowers' Scents

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REF May Be Delayed By One Year

READ MORE about REF May Be Delayed By One Year

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Madagascar Study Could Provide Conservation Blue Print

READ MORE about Madagascar Study Could Provide Conservation Blue Print

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Carbon Capture and Storage in Soils - EU Review

READ MORE about Carbon Capture and Storage in Soils - EU Review

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Figurehead Appointed to Lead 'Stern Review' of Biodiversity

READ MORE about Figurehead Appointed to Lead 'Stern Review' of Biodiversity

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Proposed Badger Eradication in Wales

READ MORE about Proposed Badger Eradication in Wales

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Biodiversity and Oil Palm

READ MORE about Biodiversity and Oil Palm

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Greater Protection for Red Squirrels

READ MORE about Greater Protection for Red Squirrels

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Rising CO2 Reduces Food Crops' Protein Content

READ MORE about Rising CO2 Reduces Food Crops' Protein Content