News and Opinion

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Do we need birds?

READ MORE about Do we need birds?

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Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions

READ MORE about Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions

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The Year in Science - Xmas Quiz

READ MORE about The Year in Science - Xmas Quiz

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CCF Annual Symposium - 5th January

READ MORE about CCF Annual Symposium - 5th January

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Economist Debate on Renewables - Live now

READ MORE about Economist Debate on Renewables - Live now

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Launch of BES - POSTNote on 'Natural Flood Management' - 17th January

READ MORE about Launch of BES - POSTNote on 'Natural Flood Management' - 17th January

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What next for the UK NEA and IPBES? Report now available

READ MORE about What next for the UK NEA and IPBES? Report now available

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Making your policy work for you

READ MORE about Making your policy work for you

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Who should run the countryside? RELU conference

READ MORE about Who should run the countryside? RELU conference

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Economist Runs Debate on Wild Nature

READ MORE about Economist Runs Debate on Wild Nature

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Latest BES Policy Digest Available

READ MORE about Latest BES Policy Digest Available

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Science is one of the UK's greatest assets

READ MORE about Science is one of the UK's greatest assets