News and Opinion

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Ecological Engagement Award

READ MORE about Ecological Engagement Award

Policy  | 

Taking forward the Climate Change Bill

READ MORE about Taking forward the Climate Change Bill

Policy  | 

Response to the Marine Bill White Paper

READ MORE about Response to the Marine Bill White Paper

Policy  | 

Natural England Science Strategy

READ MORE about Natural England Science Strategy

Policy  | 

Parliamentary evidence on badgers and bTB

READ MORE about Parliamentary evidence on badgers and bTB

Policy  | 

Chief Science Adviser: Badger Culling

READ MORE about Chief Science Adviser: Badger Culling

Policy  | 

The Science behind the Thrown

READ MORE about The Science behind the Thrown

Policy  | 

2010 Biodiversity Indicators

READ MORE about 2010 Biodiversity Indicators

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Marine Research Report

READ MORE about Marine Research Report

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Comprehensive Spending Review

READ MORE about Comprehensive Spending Review

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Sainsbury Review

READ MORE about Sainsbury Review

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Review of Environmental Research Funding

READ MORE about Review of Environmental Research Funding

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Severn Barrage Development

READ MORE about Severn Barrage Development

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NERC Science Champions

READ MORE about NERC Science Champions

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Forest Now Decleration

READ MORE about Forest Now Decleration