Parliamentary News Update

Tuesday 19 June
The Joint committee on the draft Climate Change Bill took oral evidence from the GLA, CLA, and National Consumer Council among other representatives.

Written questions were asked on the effect of agricultural nitrates on algal blooms, the protection of dolphins and porpoises, and biodiversity objectives.

There was a House of Lords debate on tackling climate change with carbon offsetting.

Wednesday 20 June
David Miliband gave a written statement on this month’s agriculture and fisheries council in Luxembourg.

Baroness Byford asked a written question on the targets for the issue of Food and Environmental Protection Act licences.

Thursday 21 June
David Miliband answered oral questions on the effectiveness of climate change agreements made at recent G8 summit.

During a discussion of the Energy White Paper, Robert Key MP asked the Ian Pearson, Minister of State, Defra) about the Defra’s assessment of the biodiversity impact of the proposed Severn barrage. The Minister stated that the Sustainable Development Commission is due to produce a report on the environmental impact of the Severn barrage, in September and highlighted the potential benefits of the project.