POST to host seminar exploring Biodiversity Offsetting in the UK

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is organising a seminar in Westminster on Tuesday 25 January 2011, exploring biodiversity offsetting. The seminar will bring together a number of expert speakers to consider the risks and benefits of biodiversity offsetting and of the introduction of market-based conservation strategies in the UK.

The seminar will take place in the Jubilee Room, Westminster Hall, from 10am – 12pm. To register to attend, please email by 21 January, or call POST on 020 7219 8377.

The Natural Capital Initiative, of which the BES is a founding partner, organised three workshops exploring the large-scale implementation of biodiversity offsetting in the UK, in 2010. Details of these workshops, including the reports of workshops one and two, along with speakers’ presentations, are available from the NCI website.