Database for Biological Flora

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Accounts published from 1999 onwards are available to access free of charge, and articles published before 1999 can be accessed online through JSTOR.

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370 results sorted alphabetically

Species Author(s) Year DOI Other Resources
Iris pseudacorus W.J. Sutherland 1990 10.2307/2260902 EF
Jacobaea vulgaris J.L. Harper & W.A. Wood 1957 10.2307/2256946 EF
Jasione montana J.A.N. Parnell 1985 10.2307/2259787 EF, BSBI
Juncus acutus V. Jones & P.W. Richards 1954 10.2307/2256896 EF, BSBI
Juncus conglomeratus D. Welch 1966 10.2307/2256405 EF, BSBI
Juncus conglomeratus P.W. Richards & A.R. Clapham 1941 10.2307/2256405 EF, BSBI
Juncus effusus P.W. Richards & A.R. Clapham 1941 10.2307/2256405 EF, BSBI
Juncus filiformis P.W. Richards 1943 10.2307/2256790 EF, BSBI
Juncus inflexus P.W. Richards & A.R. Clapham 1941 10.2307/2256405 EF, BSBI
Juncus subnodulosus P.W. Richards & A.R. Clapham 1941 10.2307/2256406 EF, BSBI
Juncus tenuis P.W. Richards 1943 10.2307/2256790 EF, BSBI
Juniperus communis P.A. Thomas, M. El-Berghathi & A. Polwart 2007 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2007.01308.x EF
Knautia arvensis S. Varga, C.D. Soulsbury, E.A. John 2022 10.1111/1365-2745.13938 EF
Koeleria macrantha J.M. Dixon 2000 10.1046/j.1365-2745.2000.00483.x EF
Lamiastrum galeobdolon J.R. Packham 1983 10.2307/2259606 EF
Lathraea clandestina M.D. Atkinson & E. Atkinson 2020 10.1111/1365-2745.13473 EF
Lathyrus japonicus D. Brightmore & P.H.F. White 1963 10.2307/2257765 EF
Lepidium draba G. Scurfield 1962 10.2307/2257459 EF
Leucanthemum vulgare S.E. Howarth & J.T. Williams 1968 10.2307/2258252 EF
Leymus arenarius T.E.T. Bond 1952 10.2307/2258031 EF, BSBI
Ligusticum scoticum M. Anne Palin 1988 10.2307/2260580 EF
Limonium humile L.A. Boorman 1967 10.2307/2257727 EF, BSBI
Limonium vulgare L.A. Boorman 1967 10.2307/2257727 EF, BSBI
Linum perenne ssp. anglicum D.J. Ockendon 1968 10.2307/2258111 EF
Liparis loeselii H. Jacquemyn, T. Pankhurst, P.S. Jones, R. Brys, & M.J. Hutchings 2023 10.1111/1365-2745.14086 EF
Lobelia dortmanna A.M. Farmer 1989 10.2307/2260830 EF
Lobelia dortmanna N. Woodhead 1951 10.2307/2260830 EF
Lobelia urens D. Brightmore 1968 10.2307/2258254 EF
Lobelia urens N. Woodhead 1951 10.2307/2257946 EF
Lolium multiflorum A.R. Beddows 1973 10.2307/2259046 EF, BSBI
Lolium perenne A.R. Beddows 1967 10.2307/2257894 EF, BSBI
Lotus corniculatus D.A. Jones & R. Turkington 1986 10.2307/2260243 EF
Lysimachia europaea Taylor et al. 2002 10.1046/j.1365-2745.2002.00644.x EF
Lythrum hyssopifolia D.A. Callaghan 1998 10.1046/j.1365-2745.1998.00320.x EF
Melampyrum cristatum A.D. Horrill 1972 10.2307/2258053 EF
Melampyrum sylvaticum S.E. Dalrymple 2007 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2007.01234.x EF
Menyanthes trifoliata D.G. Hewett 1964 10.2307/2257858 EF
Mercurialis perennis R.G. Jefferson 2008 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2007.01348.x EF
Mertensia maritima G.A.M. Scott 1963 10.2307/2257760 EF
Milium effusum De Frenne et al. 2017 10.1111/1365-2745.12744 EF
Molinia caerulea K. Taylor, A.P. Rowland & H.E. Jones 2001 10.1046/j.1365-2745.2001.00534.x EF, BSBI
Mycelis muralis G. Clabby & B.A. Osborne 1999 10.1046/j.1365-2745.1999.00341.x EF
Myosotis alpestris T.T. Elkington 1964 10.2307/2257857 EF, BSBI
Myrica gale Skene et al. 2000 10.1046/j.1365-2745.2000.00522.x EF
Narcissus pseudonarcissus J. Caldwell & T.J. Wallace 1955 10.2307/2257146 EF
Nardus stricta M.J. Chadwick 1960 10.2307/2257324 EF
Narthecium ossifragum R.J. Summerfield 1974 10.2307/2258895 EF
Nasturtium microphyllum H.W. Howard & A.G. Lyon 1952 10.2307/2258032 EF
Nasturtium officinale H.W. Howard & A.G. Lyon 1952 10.2307/2258032 EF
Neotinia ustulata K. Tali, M.J.Y. Foley & T. Kull 2004 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2004.00858.x EF